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Before make a plan look these points carefully
s Select your field work DATE and MONTH Specifically.
2. On 2ND SATURDAY AND SUNDAY you can do your individual and group conference at IGNOU with your supervisor, because maximum office will remain closed on that day.
3. Find out is there any holiday within your field work plan
4. While you are doing Concurrent visit you must try to include individual conference and group conference also.
5. Count the number of each visit should be completed in time, like Total orientation visit should be 5 and total Concurrent visit should be 45 then other visit numbers.
INDEX of field work
Orientation Visit - 1
Name of the institution: - XXXXXXXXXXXX
Mission statement: Save The Next Victim
Institution Objectives:
· To establish & maintain balwadi institution, Library, Reading room for the welfare of the member of the society.
· To run condense course for training of the adult members of the society.
· To foster, maintain & improve friendly relation & co-operation of the members.
· To publish books, journals, poster for betterment of the young star in connection with the attainment of the object of the society.
· To collect subscription & donation from members & others to attain the object of the society.
· To acquire by purchase or lease or otherwise land & buildings or others properties movable as the society from time to time may think fit for the welfare of the society.
· To accept bequeath, gift, grant or endowment for the attainment of the object of the society.
· To organize & undertake training in village industries for the welfare of the member of the society.
· To do all such others things as may be conductive or incidental to the attainment of all or any of the above object.
· To work as an non-political orgnization.
· To run a nutrition centre.
CEO: Sri. Rupendra Narayan Chaudhuri, President
Board members: Total 16 members in the board.
Type of work:
SANGHADIP Follows the strategy that has the relevance to the local situation and resources . The strategies of Sanghadip also have the practical approach towards development for each & every common people.
In accordance to the above strategies of Sanghadip is as follows:
· Training on Capacity building.
· Working with other sector both governmental; & non-governmental.
· Staff Empowerment.
· Working with Community by ensuring community participation.
· Establishment of network with community people.
Number and nature of beneficiaries – more than 10000 people. People from poor financial background, underprivileged children are the main beneficiaries.
Geographical area of work: The formation rights of Sanghadip (A Voluntary Organization) terms it as a grass root level Social Organization & were introduced to extend Welfare & Charity based activities in the nearby areas however Sanghadip is now working in North, Unakoti & Dhalai Tripura District.
Whether the agency is registered: Yes
Organisation structure: President
Executive Director
General Secretary
Project Manager
Project Coordinator
Support Staff
Number of staff members and nature of staff:
Graduate, MSW
President, Secretary
Support Staff
MA, Graduate
XII to Madhyamik
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History of organisation: SANGHADIP has stepped into 35th year of existence. Sanghadip has been discharging its services to the advancement of capacity building of the people. Sanghadip gives necessary emphasis for accomplishment of its overall activities and thus get better qualitative & quantities results. The Organization also worked as the catalytic agent in networking of the Government department with voluntary organization.
Sources of funding local donors, government organizations, corporate sector.
Infrastructure facilities: Good office building, latest communication equipment, Television, Internet, RO water, projects offices.
Problems faced by the agency and proposed remediate – Funding problem is one of the major problems faced by the agency.
Future plans: help poor and helpless people across the country.
Recognition and awards: Best NGO award
Affiliations: Not affiliated.
Any other information: the agency is planning to start many projects for the Children of Vulnerable Families. This initiative helps in introducing educational fundamentals to the under-privileged children, enabling them to be better citizens tomorrow and strengthening the spread of knowledge.
What you learnt from today’s activity: This NGO is one of the renowned NGOs of the Tripura. Student of social work checked that the discipline was superior in the agency. The staff members were very professional. Student of social work learnt that how the management works.
Your experience with group: the team work with the group was excellent.
Your observation:Student of social work observed that all staff members were assigned with a special task.
Date of field work
Time spent in the agency
Name of the agency XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Name of the field work supervisor:-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Activities performed today –
1. Visit to the NGO for getting the permission of doing the field work.
2. Checking projects of the NGO and establishing relationships with the staff members of the NGO.
Work Done
Student of social work started the field work training in the Adarsha Sangha NGO. This NGO was very famous in our city and hence social worker joined this NGO.
On the first day visit, Student of social work met with the staff members and respected secretary of the NGO. He gave permission of doing the field work training. He also asked about where Student of social work did the first year training. Student of social work gave all details about the first year training. So it was the nice meeting with the secretary of the NGO.
Then after, Student of social work met with other members and collected details of the NGO. Adarsha Sangha was doing numbers of projects. Some of them were
Student of social work collected details on every project. State government was providing fund to the NGO. Some other companies were also giving fund to this NGO.
The supervisor of the NGO told that we do the survey in the villages about checking the quality of the life. He also told about the education center for the adult and children. So the first day was very good in the NGO.
Supervisor advised to join project director from next day for working on the projects.
Observations related to the agency functioning or related institution functioning.
The NGO office was good. There were good facilities. The furniture in the NGO was excellent. There were computer, laptops and internet facilities.
Team work with all of the staff members was good. Student of social work coordinated very well with all people.
Assigned tasks (which stage and progress so far etc.)
Supervisor assigned the task of studying the projects of the NGO.
Observation regarding client system and service delivery
There were many beneficiaries with whom the NGO was working. Children, ladies and adult people were the main beneficiaries. There were many points of the NGO in the villages.
Administrative assignments
No administrative work performed today as it was the first day.
Social work techniques used
· Communication skills
· Active listening skills
Field instruction expected for the following
Supervisor told about the timings of the NGO. He advised to do the field work training honestly. He also gave information on the career opportunities in the NGO.
Date of field work
Time spent in the agency
Name of the agency XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Name of the field work supervisor
Activities performed today –
3. Visit to the NGO and getting information on the organization structure.
4. Takign all other information about the NGO functioning.
Work Done
Today was the second day in the NGO. It was nice to work with the professional team of NGO. Today student of social work discussed with the NGO supervisor about the structure of the agency. He gave following structure.
· Board Members
· Chairperson/President
· Executive Director/secretary
· Program Director
· Project Coordinator
· Support staff
· Field workers
· Volunteers
He told that board members are people having specialization in their field. He told that in our team, we have many professional social workers having MSW or BSW degree. He also told about the funding process of the NGO.
He told that our organization is receiving funds from many resources like state government, local people, CSR etc. He told about the budgeting process of the NGO.
So overall it was the nice day in the organization.
Observations related to the agency functioning or related institution functioning.
The staff members in the NGO were very cooperative. They were giving good support to the student of social work in learning the NGO policies.
Student of social work did effective team work with staff members of the NGO. The coordination was good.
Assigned tasks (which stage and progress so far etc.)
Supervisor advised to know about the NGO related activities and its structure.
Observation regarding client system and service delivery
The staff members in the NGO were very dedicated to help the clients. It was reason that the NGO has many successful stories. Student of social worker read many success stories about the NGO/
Administrative assignments
No admin related work assigned today.
Social work techniques used
· Communication skills
· Active listening skills
· Data collection skills.
Field instruction expected for the following
Supervisor told that we conduct many seminars, events and other programs for the welfare of the people. He gave details of those programs and advised to participate.
Individual conference with field work supervisor
Place of meeting:
Name of the supervisor
Topic Discussed: Finding a good NGO for doing field work training.
The field work training of the 45 days has been started but working was not getting any good NGO for training. So worker decided to discuss on this issue. The supervisor advised to do field work training in any good NGO that works on all aspects of social work. He advised to undermining the participatory orientation of the NGO and, where necessary, to strengthen NGO capacity, encourage cooperation among NGOs, and support communication between NGOs and government.
The supervisor advised to work closely with the senior members of NGO for getting the professional social work techniques. He used to do home visit, agency office visits and other community building. He advised to motivate and inspire the people.
The supervisor suggested learning the NGO management by doing effective field work training. He told acting collectively with others in a larger group or NGO gives them a degree of protection and a greater chance at successful change. He advised to learn about how to take decisions. Decision-making should almost always be subjected to a crosscheck by others. Crosschecking is often achieved by a group vetting in committees or through regular reporting and disclosure of matters and the way they are proposed to be solved.
So it was good meeting and worker collected facts about what to do in the field work training.
Group Conference 1
Date of group conference
Place : Study Center
Name of the participants
Name of the supervisor
Topic discussed : Importance of self help groups in rural India
Today was the first meeting of the group conference. The supervisor advised to discuss on the importance of self help groups in rural India. One group member told about SHG is beneficial for the rural women. SHGs are novel and innovative organizational setup in India for the women upliftment and welfare. All women in India are given chance to join any one of SHGs for training and development, so as to be prospective entrepreneur and skilled worker.
Worker also worked with the SHG during the 45 days of the field work. It was nice to see about how the SHG works. Worker told about his experience of field work.The SHGs are promoted by the Government as if women in India may not be resourceful enough to be entrepreneurs. When the SHGs arrange training facilities to carry out certain kind of work which are suitable for women in India, bank must arrange financial assistance to carry out manufacturing and trading activities, arranging marketing facilities while the Governments will procure the product of SHGs, arrange for enhancing the capacity of women in terms of leadership quality and arranging for the management of SHGs by themselves so as to have administrative capacity. As a social movement with government support. SHGs become more or less a part and parcel of the society.
We also discussed on our field work training that was also based on the self help group making. The supervisor told about the history of the SHG. He told that The concept of self help groups had its origin in the co-operative philosophy and the co-operators by and large, including the National Federations in the credit sector, could not think of any better SHG than a primary co-operative credit society itself.
So it was the nice group meeting. The supervisor advised to prepare for the group work conference.
Case Work Report 1
Date and time of field work: 2 PM-5 PM
Name of the beneficiary: Prabhu
Activities to be done today –
· Meeting with the client and establishing relationship with him.
· Collecting details about his profile, his like and dislikes.
Work Done
The NGO supervisor assigned as case of child name Prabhu who was not taking interest in his study. He told that the NGO is providing private coaching to him. Supervisor advised to motivate the child and his parents also for improvement. Supervisor told that Prabhu has some disorder. His mind is not developed well.
Student of social work collected other remains about the client. He was often remaining ill. Supervisor told that Prabhu is 10 year old boy and he lives in the nearest community. His parents are very poor and they have no money to provide medical support to his child. Supervisor told that Prabhu has good character and he love to play games with his friend. The supervisor gave his file to study.
Here is the brief of the client.
· Name – Prabhu
· Father’s Name – Bhure Lal
· Mother’s Name - Shimlesh
· Parents annual income – Rs48000 per year
· Address – living in a small home
Student of social work was very curious to meet with the client. Supervisor gave some suggestions about how to talk with Prabhu. He told that Prabhu can refuse to talk with you as he did not like talking with unknown person.
Student of social work met with Prabhu and he was playing with his friend. Student of social work closely observed his activities. He was smiling and with his fingers he was trying to say something. His voice was not much clear however it was understandable. Student of social work observed him for ten minutes and after that planned to talk with him.
Student of social workgave him introduction. He did not understand anything. Student of social work tried to start the conversion with some interest stuff so that he can take interest. Student of social work asked about his favorite actors and actress. He was no responding as student of social work was new to him. Student of social work observed his activities. He was taking time in performing the activities with his friend. We also played carom board and he was taking good interest.
Student of social work again tried to make relationship with him. This time he responded and gave reply of the questions. It was the nice session with him.
Prabhu was looking very similar to the other boys. However he has no dressing sense. His clothes were big as compare to his size. He was good in playing indoor games like carom.
For the second group work case, the supervisor advised to form the group of children who come to the NGO for learning the computer and other subjects. He told that some students were not growing properly and their behaviour is not good. So we need to motivate those children by doing the group work activities. Supervisor told that we can form the group of 5-6 children. He advised to motivate the children for doing good in the life.
Group work Report 1
Place: office of the agency
Today was the first session of the group work. First of all, Student of social work selected the children for forming the group. Student of social work used random selection methods and selected 6 children for this group work session.
All of the 6 students were living in the same geographical area and hence they have good understanding between them. The children were very well known to each other and hence Student of social work did not face any problem in forming the group.
Supervisor introduced with the children however Student of social work was already recognized them as during the concurrent visit, Student of social work worked with them.
Student of social work noted the names of all of the children. Their names were
· Aman 10 years old
· Samarth 9 years old
· Patwal 10 years old
· Golu 12 years old
· Kittu 10 years old
· Manshi 11 years old
Student of social work selected 4 males and 2 females for forming the group. The supervisor advised some activities for the first day session. He told that you can do recreational activities however he also advised to do any activities according to the interest of the group members.
As Student of social work was not aware with the group members detailed personal profile, so first of all Student of social work collected information about them.
Student of social work collected information on their family members and their interest. They all were reading in the same school that was located in the community. They shared a common play ground and hence there was good understanding between all of the group members.
Sometimes they were making fun to each other while talking. That seems that they have good accepting with each other.
Student of social work asked with Aman about his family. He told detailed information about his family. Similarly other members also told about their family. Aman also asked about what we will do in this group. Student of social work told him that we will do many activities.
So the first session of the group work activity was good. Student of social work instructed to all members about the next group work day.
The first day was good. Student of social work observed the members and they were very happy with the group. They were already having group but this group was special for them.
Plan of the next session
· Interacting with the group members for next level of group work activities.
· Conducting games activities for their recreation.
Community visit 1
Name of the place:
Plan of the day –
1. Visit to the community.
2. Meeting with the people and finding the problems faced by them.
Work Done
Today student of social work planned to start the community organization session. Student of social work discussed with the supervisor and he advised to visit to the village for the community visit. Student of social work visited there with 2 student of social work of the agency. The supervisor advised to visit to the community for collecting the facts about the community like census, major problems, conditions of the streets, health status of the people and their awareness level.
Student of social work visited there and agency’s student of social work introduced with the people. As the agency’s student of social work were regular visitors of the community so student of social work did not faced any problem. Student of social work visited to the many streets of the community and found that the people were living in very poor sanitation conditions. The streets were not cleaned and the dirty water was flowing over the roads. Severs were not covered.
Student of social work also met with the people and discussed about their problems related to the community sanitation. They told that they have complained many times to the related department but still they have not any proper responses.
Student of social work collected other details and returned back to the agency.
While making visit to the community, student of social work found that the people were suffering from water borne diseases. The agency was providing free medical checkup camps in the community.
Social Work Techniques Used
Rapport building, data collection
Plan of the next session
Finding the awareness level of the people.
Social Welfare Administration
Planning – Today the supervisor told about the planning process of the NGO. He told that we make the plan according to the vision and mission of the NGO. We take all staff senior members into confidence and take their suggestions for the particular project. He told that board members helped in planning the project. He told that Project planning is part of project management, which relates to the use of schedules such as charts to plan and subsequently report progress within the project environment. Initially, the project scope is defined and the appropriate methods for completing the project are determined.
Organization – It is the process of bringing together physical, financial and human resources and developing productive relationship amongst them for achievement of organizational goals. Organizing as a process involves:
Identification of activities.
Classification of grouping of activities.
Assignment of duties.
Delegation of authority and creation of responsibility.
Coordinating authority and responsibility relationships.
Staffing – Staffing is a continuous function. A new enterprise employs people to fill up staff positions in the organization. In an established concern, the deaths/ retirements of employees and the frequent changes in the objectives and the organization itself make staffing a continuous function of management.
Manpower Planning (estimating man power in terms of searching, choose the person and giving the right place).
Recruitment, Selection & Placement.
Training & Development.
Performance Appraisal.
Promotions & Transfer.
Directing – Mere planning, organizing, and staffing are not sufficient to set the tasks in motion. Management has well-coordinated plans, properly established duty- authority relations, and able personnel, yet it is through the function of direction that the manager is able to make the employees accomplish their tasks by making them integrate their individual efforts with the interest and objectives of the enterprise.
It calls for properly motivating, communicating with, and leading the subordinates. Motivation induces and inspires the employees to perform better, while through good leadership, a manager is able to make his subordinates work with zeal and confidence.
Coordinating - Coordination, as a separate function of management.However, coordination, being all pervasive and encompassing every function of management, is considered to be more an important managerial essence than a separate management function. Poor coordination is attributed to failure in performance of all the above-listed management functions.
Coordination deals with harmonizing work relations and efforts at all levels for achieving some common purpose. It may be described as unifying and achieving harmony among individual efforts for the purpose of accomplishing group goals. The whole idea of coordination is to adjust, reconcile, and synchronize individual efforts so that group efforts become more effective and help to achieve some common objectives.
Reporting – that is keeping those to whom the executive is responsible informed as to what is going on, which thus includes keeping himself and his subordinates informed through records, research, and inspection. Written reports are documents which present focused, salient content to a specific audience. Reports are often used to display the result of an experiment, investigation, or inquiry. The audience may be public or private, an individual or the public in general. Reports are used in government, business, education, science, and other fields.
Budgeting - with all that goes with budgeting in the form of planning, accounting and control. Supervisro told about the process of making the budget for a particular project
Individual Conference Report 1
Name of the supervisor
Topic Discussed
Social welfare administration work.
Today student of social worker discussed with the supervisor about the social welfare administration work. There was an activity in the journal. Supervisor told about the importance of the social welfare administration. He told that social welfare is an important part of social work.
Supervisor also told about the term POSDCoRBEF
· P Planning
· Organising
· S Staffing
· D Directing
· Co Coordinating
· R Reporting
· B Budgeting
· E Evaluation
· F Feedback
He told that Social Welfare Administration is the process of efficiently providing resources and services to meet the needs of the individuals, families, groups and communities to facilitate social relationship and adjustment necessary to social functioning.
He told that To achieve the aims and objectives of social welfare, the government formulates social policies and programmes and in pursuance thereof enacts social legislation, allocates financial assistance and provides organisational and administrative linkages in the form of ministries and departments. It also seeks the partnership of non-governmental organizations for the effective implementation of various social welfare programmes. Administration of all these activities being undertaken in the sphere of social services and social welfare is considered as falling in the realm of social welfare administration.
He told that you can meet with the NGO’s director for getting information on the social welfare administration of the NGO.
Group Conference 1
Place: Study Center
Name of the supervisor
Report of discussion
Today we discussed the group Work practice in India. Almost all students did the group work activities during their field work training. Supervisor advised to share the experience of group work.
Student started telling about their group work experience. There is huge scope of social group work in every sector of the social work like child development, medical social work, clinical social work, social work administrative & management, international social work, social work in acute psychiatric hospital and social work as community organizer.
Supervisor told that the main aim of the social group work is to provide help and information to the group members. Group work is very essential for the people who are suffering from any diseases, family problems or from the disadvantaged sections. The main goal of the group work is empowerment of the members hence group work is very powerful tool for social workers.
There is a good scope of social group work in almost all social welfare sectors. It is specially designed for the individuals as well as the group members. Individual can gain good benefits from the group work. There are numbers of organizations who are working group work on the HIV/AIDS, drug addiction, education and health sector. So if any individual came in the organization, he can gain good help from the organization.
We also discussed on different types of groups available in our society like religious groups, self help group etc. The group work is also very helpful for the development of the family as well as the society. If any parents are facing problem in their family, the group work social student of social worker can help them for making change by discuss their problems and find solutions with others. Group is also capable to handle the small problems and hence group work has a vast scope in the society.
Supervisor also gave information on what ethics we need to keep in mind while doing the group work.
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